First let me say hello to all my blogging friends. It's been so long since my last post I don't know hardly how to begin.
It has been a hard last 5 months. In October of last year my husband found a knot on the right side of his neck and after several test it was determined that it was cancer. They also found a spot on the backside of his left lung. He went thru radiation and chemo for about 3 1/2 months for the place on his neck. They ran some more test and said his neck looked good. We were going to wait about 3 weeks and then start treatment on the lung. He was feeling much better, but you know that God is in control and he said it was time for him to come home. I lost him on Friday morning, March 23rd. The doctors said it was not the cancer that took him, but that his heart was so weak from all the treatments that it just couldn't keep up with his body. I'm thankful for one thing, he didn't lay and suffer for a long time with cancer. I miss him everyday so much, but he is in a much better place and we will meet again one day.
Please keep our family in your prayers.
Til we meet again,