They told me before I left home to bring clothes for cool, rainy weather. Well I didn't really need my rain gear for it only rained one day the entire two weeks we were there. We traveled everyday to someplace special. I really can't say which day was the best because all of them were fun.

We saw several of the cathedrals, and all of them were beautiful. We saw Stonehenge, King Arthur's roundtable, the ships in Portsmouth, London Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the beautiful countryside, shopping at Harrod's Department Store, Windsor Castle and many more places and things. This picture was made outside Windsor Castle.
Yet, still the best part of my trip was spending time with my mother and getting to know her and my half sister. We would stay up late at night and just talk. She had planned to come to the states several different times but everytime something would come up so they couldn't make the trip. I was so fortunate to get to go see her.

My half-sister and her husband ran a pub called The Coach and Horses. We would go there and meet with some of their friends and just sit and talk and eat some of the best English cooking. My sister was the chef and everything was so delicious.
My new friend at the pub..... She was so friendly.
You see I could just ramble on and on about my trip. When I think about it the memories just come flooding back as if it were yesterday but this story must come to a close.
When we left for the airport that morning there were a lot of mixed emotions. I really didn't want to say goodbye not knowing if I would ever see her again, but I knew I had to.
We ran into alot of air turbulence on the way home and it made the trip a little rough. It was a long trip, but I was so glad to see my family and friends. I took so many pictures and the memories will be with me forever.
Well you see, that was the last time I got to see my mother because she got sick in November of that year and died in December. I will never forget the wonderful times we had together.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Til we meet again....